After a long and grueling two month experimental campaign at GE Global Research Center, Mitchell and Tim have returned relatively unscathed and with a mass of data. Time to get processing!
Author: Adam Steinberg
A belated congratulations to Ben Luymes and Askar Kazbekov… they graduated!
Askar and Ben completed their MASc degrees in September. Ben is off to Montreal to work for Pratt & Whitney on turbomachinery aerodynamics, while Askar is joining me in Atlanta to pursue a PhD.
Qiang’s Combustion and Flame paper is published!
Qiang just published his second Combustion and Flame paper on the dynamics of swirl flames. Another great contribution!
Another Symposium (and turbulent combustion workshop) come and gone.
Another Combustion Symposium has come and gone… great time in Dublin. Two papers are now published in the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (see below).
Auto-ignition of near-ambient temperature H2/air mixtures during flame-vortex interaction
Structural response of different Lewis number premixed flames interacting with a toroidal vortex
Prof. Steinberg also presented a review of highly turbulent combustion at a joint TNF/PTF session. The slides are available here: PTF_TNF_2018_master_reduce.
Congratulations to Penelope and Ben… ASME presentations and papers published!
Penelope and Ben presented their papers at ASME Turbo Expo in Oslo this July! Both papers were accepted for journal publication and are available here:
Influence of Blade Loading Profile on Wake Dynamics in High-Pressure Turbine Cascades
Blowoff and Reattachment Dynamics of a Linear Multinozzle Combustor
Congratulations to Askar, Chris, and Qiang on their AIAA Presentations!
Askar, Chris, and Qiang presented papers at the AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum in Cincinnati this July.
Congratulations to Tim on a great Combustion and Flame paper!
Tim Wabel’s Paper “Assessment of chemical scalars for heat release rate measurement in highly turbulent premixed combustion including experimental factors” was published in Combustion and Flame! The paper uses DNS to assess how well we can measure critical properties of turbulent flames.
Building a webpage!
The new group webpage is in development! Check back frequently for updates.